Happiness or Freedom
We spend our lives looking for happiness, often in the wrong places. At a moment like this, when we are all at home with plenty of time...
The Value of Endings
Three years ago, Connie began a job with a start up company. If all went well, she would make a hefty salary and share in the profits....
When Life "Reroutes" You
Edward is challenged by direction. If you tell him to turn right, he will turn left. Years ago, Edward was driving with his father as a...
The Value of Disappointment
Being disappointed is as much a part of life as breathing; it is unavoidable. We go to great lengths to avoid it, yet, it is a valuable expe
Dodging Disappointment: During the Holidays and the Rest of the Year
Disappointment is a difficult emotion. It can step in and ruin any experience. You are having a good day, something happens where your...
AlI Want for Christmas is for it to be Over
As Sarah Vine wrote, “Christmas is like childbirth: magical in theory; excruciating in practice. Since you can’t avoid the holiday season, h