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11 Rules You Didn't Know Families Had

Image of family playing pick up sticks. Raleigh Psychotherapy, counseling,Katherine Broadway, M. Div, LPC

Children who grew up in dysfunctional families often feel their experiences were unique, and that no one else can identify with what they went through. What you come to realize, however, is that many other people had similar situations and had similar feelings.

Science proves it, too. The Adult Children of Alcoholics movement led to much study of families where there is dysfunction and inadequate parenting. These works found that many of these families had characteristics, behaviors, and family rules in common.

These rules can be found in many different types of dysfunctional families. They were often developed before the child was old enough to “vote” for the adoption of these rules. They remain powerful directives in our lives well into adulthood.

Becoming aware of our own rules for life is half of winning the battle to reclaiming ourselves. How many of these rules can you see in your family?

1. Don’t feel. Feelings are dangerous and will only lead to problems.

2. Don’t think. You aren’t allowed to have opinions or make decisions.