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Five Things to Know About Vulnerability

Picture of frozen grass, Vulnerability, Raleigh Psychotherapy, counseling, Katherine Broadway

Vulnerability is the birthplace of connection and the path to the feeling

of worthiness.

– Brené Brown

Vulnerability has a bad reputation in today’s world where so much importance is placed on power over others. It is believed that if we push a little harder, lean-in a little further, or work a little smarter, we will get all that we want. Success is measured in having more and climbing the ladder to higher levels of success. The idea of vulnerability – living in uncertainty, taking unknown risk, and allowing

emotional exposure – is an anathema.

Vulnerability is an emotion. As with any emotion, it is neither good nor bad. It

is not always a positive, pleasant experience, nor is it always a dark, painful

one. It is the core of all emotions and feelings. To believe that feeling vulnerable is a weakness is to believe that all feelings are weakness