Reflections on Ground Hog Day
OH, NO! The groundhog saw his shadow, and there will be six more weeks of bad weather. This is just awful. How am I going to survive?
I am so sick of this weather, the rain, the overcast days and the cold. I just hate the cold. I don’t want to go out of my house. I don’t even want to leave long enough to do something fun, much less something like exercise. This is such bad news!
“Only one month until DST” the text read. After puzzling for a moment, "DST" made sense: Daylight Saving Time.
Suddenly, a change in perspective, and a realization: that’s not very long. Wow! Only four weeks until the days will be longer and there will be more daylight. There is a light at the end of the tunnel, and it'll be here at the end of this month.
Perspective and focus are everything. The overwhelming is cut down to size and the situation is not so bad. The spring flowers are already peeking out of the ground. This too shall pass and spring will soon arrive.